Karachi High School
Karachi High School, inaugurated on January 14, 1985, embarked on its educational odyssey with an initial group of eleven students. Mrs. Kassim’s visionary leadership not only guided the first graduating class to Matriculation by 1989 but also earned the school acclaim as an educational pioneer. Renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, Karachi High School stands distinguished, offering O-level education to further enrich the holistic learning experience it provides. Uncover Karachi High School easily — admissions, and contacts. Your concise guide for a smooth exploration!
Karachi High School Admission:
Here’s the revised admission procedure:
1. Initial interview with the Principal for parents/guardians.
2. Scheduled Student Evaluation with a paid Evaluation Fee.
3. Admission Form and CIPP, CLSP Curriculum Outline provided to parents.
4. Administration notifies acceptance to parents/guardians.
5. Submission of complete documentation to the Office by parents/guardians.
6. Parents/guardians sign a letter of acceptance for the child.
7. Fee Voucher issued to parents/guardians.
8. Payment to be made directly to Habib Metropolitan Bank within the stipulated timeframe.
Note: All fees, whether admission or monthly, are non-refundable once paid.
Karachi High School Year Structure & Terms:
The school year is structured into three terms:
1. Autumn Term (Term 1):This term spans from August to October.
2. Spring Term (Term 2):Running from November to February.
3. Summer Term (Term 3): Taking place from March to May.
Karachi High School Contact Details:
Karachi High School has developed into a distinguished institution, providing progressive 21st-century education through modern curricula and state-of-the-art facilities at its singular branch in the city of Karachi.
1. Karachi High School Head Office:
PTCL: 021.35686669, 021.35224040
Email: khskids@gmail.com
Contact for School SMS System
Ms: Shagufta: 0346-2616656
Faculty at Karachi High School
The dedicated faculty at Karachi High School, the heart of the school, embodies the KHS philosophy with love for children and a commitment to teaching. With nearly 70 members, some serving for 8, 15, or 20 years, they create a positive atmosphere. In the Music, Sports, and Arts departments, experienced instructors contribute to students’ growth and development.
Karachi High School Career:
Career OPPORTUNITY AWAITS! Karachi High School is in search of qualified candidates with experience to elevate educational standards while preserving the cherished friendly and caring atmosphere. Individuals interested in potential vacancies are invited to submit the form below for immediate consideration. No Phone Calls Please.
Life at Karachi High School:
Karachi High School’s vibrant Student Council, a dynamic group of leaders from Year 8 to 11, spearheads engaging events and fundraisers. With a new Junior Council, we’re dedicated to community impact—raising funds for a new school building, supporting health causes, and fostering unity through creative initiatives like KHS Idol. Join us for impactful student leadership!
FAQ'S about Karachi High School:
The admission process typically involves submitting an application form, required documents, and may include an entrance exam or interview.
Parents can get involved through parent-teacher associations, attending school events, and participating in volunteer opportunities.
The academic year consists of three terms: Autumn (Aug-Oct), Spring (Nov-Feb), and Summer (Mar-May), delineating the school calendar at Karachi High School.
Karachi High School stands out as one of the best schools in Karachi, epitomizing educational excellence. Its commitment to holistic student development, dynamic community engagement, and diverse extracurricular offerings distinguishes it as a top-tier institution. With a progressive sports program and dedicated faculty, KHS ensures a well-rounded academic journey for its students, solidifying its position among the best schools in Karachi.